Genesis's Story


Genesis was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador on September 9th, 1999. She was a very happy child, always smiling and laughing. She loved to play with her toys and threaten people to be her friend (or she would bite them). She was very creative and loved to draw and paint. She was mainly raised by her lovely Tia Rosicela, who she loves very much.

Genesis as a child
Genesis in a halloween costume with Tia Rosi

Genesis in a halloween costume with Tia Rosi

Genesis eating cotton candy

Genesis eating cotton candy


Genesis holding angie

Not very much later, she was blessed with a little sister, Angelina. Genesis was very excited to have a little sister. She loved to take care of her and play with her. She, maybe, sometimes pinched her to make her cry because it was funny. But she loved her a lot.

Genesis walking with Mom

Genesis walking with her beauty-pageant-winning mother, Irma.

Taken Away

After growing up in Guayauil, Ecuador with her siblings (Denick, Esther, Angie), Genesis was still young. Her mother pursued a better life in the United States, and got her green card. Genesis was taken away from her home and brought to the United States. She had to say goodbye to her friends and family. Maybe it was for the best, but little Genesis had to leave everything she knew behind, it was not easy at all. Luckily, she had her sister with her.

New Beginnings

She moved to Tampa, Florida and barely knew any english. She had to learn a new language, go to a new school, make new friends, and adapt to a new culture. It was not easy, but she did it. Two years later, she knew english and had a boyfriend named Sawyer.

Genesis holding Valeska

After two years in the states, Genesis's mom moved everyone back to Ecuador. There, her second little sister, Valeska, was born. Genesis was so happy to have another little sister, and someone new to play with. She also was happy to be back where she knew the language and culture.

Genesis, Valeska, and Angie with Tia Rosi

Genesis, Valeska, and Angie with Tia Rosi in Ecuador

Genesis spent five years in Ecuador where Tia Rosi took care of her, Angie and Valeska. Genesis's mom brought them back to the United States when she applied for her K2 visa. Genesis once again, had to say goodbye to her friends and family in Ecuador. She was very sad to leave. This time, she moved to Georgia. Another new sister, Mia, was born around this time. Here, she High School. She had a tight friend group, and had a lot of fun.

Genesis, Valeska, and Angie with Tia Rosi

Meeting Matthew

Now, this is probably the only part of her story I am fully qualified to tell. Genesis and I met in high school. We were both skipping class, I saw a beautiful girl with long black hair sitting in the library, and decided to shoot my shot. She acted semi-uninterested, but little did I know that she had been eyeing me out for a long time! We started talking, and I asked her to be my girlfriend. We had a brief couple of weeks together before we decided it just wasn't the right time. Unfortunately, there are no photos from this time of us together.

In 2019, Genesis and I began to talk again. We hung out a few times and had a lot of fun. Genesis was going on a trip to Ecuador. Before she left, we were walking in a beautiful park, holding hands. That was the moment I knew that I loved this woman, and was ready to enter a relationship with her. Little did she know that she did not have a return flight, and was being sent to, basically, rehab for smoking weed. I remember asking my mom to loan me money to buy her a return flight, so that she can come back home and we could keep seeing each other. I am so glad she did that, we have been together ever since. On September 26th, 2019, Genesis came back from Ecuador and we made it official. Sparks were flying, and we were excited to start our life together.

Genesis and Matthew in 2019

Genesis and Matthew in 2019

This time was a turning point in both Genesis and Matthew's lives. Genesis was getting kicked out of her house, and I was basically homeless, temporarily staying with my father until I could move out on my own. We decided to move in together, and that was the best decision I have ever made. The rest is history. We have been together ever since. We have learned so much together, and have grown so much since then. I am so grateful to have Genesis in my life, and I love her more than anything on the planet.